Golden Buddies Program
Orphans of the Storm offers the Golden Buddies Program to match senior pets (6+ years-old) with senior citizens (65+ years-old.)
Besides being a good match, when someone adopts a Golden Buddy from Orphans, they are actually rescuing two animals -- giving a home to their new buddy, and opening a safe place for another homeless pet!
Click here for the Golden Buddies' brochure.
Generous donors sponsor a portion of the adoption fees on these special orphans to qualified homes. In addition:
· the pet is spayed or neutered (if not already done),
· updated on vaccinations including an eight-way distemper shot, Bordetella and rabies,
· the pets are started on heartworm and flea and tick prevention, and
· all adopted pets receive microchips for identification in case they are lost.
· Dogs are heartworm tested, stool checked; and wormed, if needed.
· Cats have a four-way vaccination, stool checked, and wormed if needed; if over 12 weeks old they also receive a rabies vaccination. All are leukemia & combo tested and started on flea prevention.

Senior Citizens: Love to Give
Senior pets are great company for senior citizens. Many elderly people find the calm presence of an older pet very comforting. They appreciate having a companion who is also “getting up there” in age, doesn't mind hearing the same stories again and again, and is content to move through life at a slower speed.
Older pets are relaxing to hang out with. Senior dogs and cats have all the basics down and aren't full of wild energy to burn. Because you're not constantly chasing around or cleaning up after your older pet, you have a lot more time to spend finding fun things to do or just relaxing together.
Adopted senior pets are grateful for your kindness. Somehow, older pets seem to know you gave them a home when no one else would. Many new owners form a close bond very quickly with their senior dog or cat, because the pet shows them a level of attention and devotion that is unique to older adopted animals.
You can be a hero to a deserving dog or cat. Almost without exception, people who adopt older animals feel a special sense of pride and purpose in opening their heart to a hard-to-place pet. Doing a good thing really does make you feel good!
1. Older pets have manners. Seniors have spent years living with a family and being socialized to life with humans. They may have received obedience training and respond to commands like Sit, Stay, and Down. Many are house trained and it takes a matter of hours or a day or two to help them learn the potty rules in their new home.
2. Senior pets are less destructive. Most older adoptive pets are well past the search-and-destroy phase. You don't need to worry much about finding your favorite pair of shoes or a table leg chewed beyond recognition. Chances are your senior kitty has no urge to overturn your potted plant or shred the handmade quilt your grandma gave you.
3. What you see is what you get. A senior pet holds no surprises as to how big he might get, what color his adult coat will be, or whether his hips will be healthy. A senior pet comes to you with his own history, which makes his future much more predictable than that of a puppy or kitten.
4. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Adult dogs can focus on the task at hand (unlike many of their much younger counterparts). If your adopted older pet needs to learn a few things in her new life with you, not to worry. Enroll her in an obedience class, contact a trainer, or go the do-it-yourself route. Older dogs are more attentive than puppies, and more eager to please their humans.
5. You can custom-order your senior pet. If you're looking for a short-haired cat, or a kitty with no history of dental disease, you can search until you find an older pet with exactly those attributes. If you already have a cat and need your adoptive dog to get along with cats, again, you'll have a much better chance of finding an older adoptive dog who is a perfect companion for your family.